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I Will Be With You

Hello there!

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am that you are reading this blog today and I want to say a huge thank you again to all of the thousands of readers that have joined our communtiy over the past few months! It's truly remarkable to hear all of your stories.

This Spring, small group season has been awesome and I am thrilled to tell you about all of the girls groups across the Southeast who are studying Pure and Jesus Kisses. Seeing the pictures you guys have sent in is making me even more anxious to release book #3. (I promise, it is coming soon.)

Today, I wanted to share one of my favorite scriptures with all of you in the hopes that it speaks to your heart as well. This scripture is one of the beautiful truths in the Bible that I try to remind myself of every day. No matter what is going on or where you are in life, God is always with you.


When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass

through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire,

you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. Isaiah 43:2 (NIV)


The sun was shining on my face, there was a cool breeze in my hair, and I didn’t have a worry in the world. This day was going to be the best day ever because I was officially ten years old and my parents had finally bought me my very own kayak. As I gazed upon my beautiful pink boat on top of our jeep, I decided this would be my day for independence.

We had been paddling for a few minutes when my dad turned around to warn me of a drop coming up, but determined I didn’t need help, I kept paddled forward harder and faster, until suddenly, I had been flipped from my kayak by a small waterfall. Immediately, I began scrambling to climb back into my little boat. I had almost lost hope until I saw my daddy wading towards me. He picked me up and sat me back on my kayak and said with a laugh, “So, Miss Independent, how about you trust me and listen to what I say next time?”

Sometimes, I feel like I am scrambling in the waters of life, trying to climb back in my little boat. But, Isaiah 43:2 reminds me that when the waters rise, I can rest in the assurance that God is always looking out for me and His constant presence with always be with me. You see, He will not leave us for any reason. We don’t have to fight the river of life alone as if we are Miss Independent. When we feel as though we are drowning in our emotions, doubts, and anxieties God can flood our minds with His peace instead.

What is flooding your mind and distracting you today?

Write down your distractions and stresses on a piece of paper, then evaluate them in light of God's promises.


I need you to send a river of peace to wash over me. I have been trying to fight the waves of fear and insecurity on my own, and I have felt so alone. But, I know that You are with me and I know that You are fighting for me. Today, I surrender all my stress to you and I ask that you calm the waters around me. I trust you.

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