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Confidently Called

Hello beautiful ladies! Welcome back to the blog.

Thank you so much to everyone who has been sharing, commenting, and connecting through the new blog this year! I am blown away by the thousands of readers and hundreds of emails I have been recieving full of encouragement.

It is truly extraordinary.

I am excited to introduce you to this week's guest writer - Lindsey Wilkerson. Lindsey and her husband Stewart are the student pastors at Oak Park Church in Mobile, AL where they spend their days pouring into the lives of students. Lindsey is an anointed mentor, soon-to-be mommy of three, and lover of all things girly. I'm so blessed to call her a friend. Thanks again, Lindsey, for writing this powerful post!


"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, a

nd before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed YOU a prophet to the nations.”

Jeremiah 1:5


We all remember being asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” In elementary school, our teachers would help us write our cute little answers on papers or projects, hang them up in the room to share with others, and then send them home with the as gifts for our parents and grandparents.

At the youngest age, children are instilled with desires to be something great one day.

As a mom of two boys, I hear this question a lot. My favorite answer is “I want to be a SUPERHERO!” Parents and teachers think, “These imaginations are so cute and wonderful!” But have you ever thought about the fact that even at such a young age, God had already given kids the desires to change the world? In fact, God said that he instilled these gifts in you before you were even born!

Little boys AND GIRLS (yes, girls can be superheroes, too) spend hours day-dreaming saving the world from danger and leading others on the right path. As children, we imagine superheros that can fly through the air wearing awesome capes. But, as I have matured, I have found that there are superheros around me every day. Doctors, lawyers, moms, grandmothers, aunts, pastors, teachers, and this list goes on and on. It’s amazing!

I challenge you to see yourself as a superhero and embrace the gifts and calling God has placed in your life. Many times, we miss our opportunity to be someones hero, because we are too focussed on our oun insecurities. Be CONFIDENT in who you are called to be! God placed these gifts in you before you were born!

Be confident to work the behind the scenes as prayer warrior. Be confident to lead your small group. Be confident in your calling to be a businesswoman, teacher, or a stay-at-home mom! It is okay to be YOU!

Don’t let the enemy slip thoughts of doubt and insecurity into your mind. Stand up! Be BOLD! Be CONFIDENT! Let’s use our callings together to do what God has called us to do and be everyday superheros. God made you for a reason and He did so PERFECTLY!

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