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The Stubborness Setback

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In case you missed the blog earlier this week, Jordan gave us an awesome word about God's love! Look to the left and you can click on the link to check it out.

Today, I wanted to share some of what God has been teaching me lately. So, I'd like to introduce you to what I like to call "The Stubborness Setback."

God says, “Call to me when trouble comes. I will help you,

and you will honor me.”

Psalms 50:15

Being short can be really fun and has some pretty good perks. For example, I never have to duck walking through a door frame. I don’t need a ton of legroom when I have to sit in the backseat of the car. I dominate when our youth group has a limbo challenge. I can easily hide in laser tag, curl up to sleep in a recliner, and swing on children’s swing sets.

Unfortunately, being tiny also has a few drawbacks. I stink at basketball (ask any of my friends). I have to scoot my seat all the way forward while driving (ask my husband). I need a ladder to decorate the Christmas tree (ask my brother). And, worst of all, I always have to ask someone to help me reach things on the top shelf in the cabinet (just ask my dad).

My daddy happens to find this quite hilarious which is why

he always places the peanut butter on the top shelf in our pantry.

But, I am also a little bit stubborn. So, before I ask for help, I will do all I can to stretch, reach, and jump to reach that glorious jar of peanut butter. From the corner of my eye, I can see my daddy giggling on the other side of the room. But do I ask for help? No! Of course not. I just have to do things my way. So, I roll my eyes and say, "Tori, you can do this!"

No matter how hard I try, it always seems to be just beyond my grasp. (Trust me. Not being able to reach a jar of peanut butter is one the most devastating things in the world.) Finally, I am forced give up and have to ask for help. With a chuckle, my daddy will stand up, waltz to the pantry, and say, “Now, was that really so hard?”

This silly example is representative of so many of us spiritually. Maybe you have been there before? You set a goal and stretch yourself as far as possible to try and reach it, but still fall short. It is absolutely devastating. But, instead of asking God for help, you pretend like you have everything under control. This is where we all get it wrong.

You see, stubbornnes will always cause us to become empty and exhausted. It is the biggest tool the enemy can use to destroy your dreams. If you think you can do it on your own, you never will. You have to humble yourself, and call out to the Father for help because he never intended for you to reach your goals alone. They are just beyond your grasp in order to secure your dependency on Him.

your dreams are just beyond your grasp in order to secure your dependency on Him.

In 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 Jesus told Paul, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” Understanding this principle, Paul replied, “So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

To achieve your goals and reach your dreams, you must come to this same realization. Learn to boast in only your weakness and allow God to show up and work a miracle in your life. Yes, work hard. But, don’t strive, struggle, and push yourself to make it happen all on your own. You have the King of Creation standing around the corner waiting for you to call out His name. In an instant, He will rush in and begin orchestrating the sweetest journey, encounters, and miracles in your life.

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